move forward fearlessly

Today, I am grateful for gentle reminders from the Universe.  When I am beginning to lose faith, I get a little nudge, "hey kid, this is your journey, and progress isn't a straight line."  They come in all shapes and sizes, but each one catches me at just the right time.  Because of them, I keep moving forward fearlessly.   

I am learning how to speak my truth without being an asshole.  Part of my evolution has been to consciously identify the emotions I'm feeling, then to communicate those feelings to myself and others.  If I ask questions to better understand the intent, I can more clearly articulate to myself and others what I observed, how I responded, and what I need moving forward.      

I accomplished receiving public recognition.  For a long time, my lack of self-worth led me to push away compliments.  Today, I humbly let myself receive kind words from a person I admire, in front of a group of people I respect.  

I delighted in making it to my mat.   

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