choose kindness, compassion, and grace
Today, I am grateful for the freedom and peace of mind that comes from the choices I get to make every day. I can choose how I respond to myself, to others, to everything that comes into my path. That is powerful.
I am learning how to love my body, wholly and completely, just as it is. I've acknowledged my mind has a negative relationship with my body.
How this previously played out in my head:
Feeling hot, confident, and sexy
Looks at self, naked in the mirror
Mind responds, "well you would be sexy if..."
Body curls in on itself
Heart closes a little
How I intend this to play out in my head:
Feeling hot, confident, and sexy
Looks at self, naked in the mirror
Mind responds, "fuck yeah, you sexy!"
Body straightens up
Heart opens wide
Recognizing how I judge my body has been a great first step.
I accomplished making it to aqua aerobics after spacing out a bit at work.
I delighted in kind words from friends I love.