Say goodbye with love
Today, I am grateful for endings. I am beginning to say goodbye from a place of love and reverence. It's not easy to shift my perspective from one of loss to one of gain. It takes effort and grace, it takes consciousness, practice, and self-compassion.
I am learning how to tune into my body and listen to my heart. When I do this, I stay in the here and now. I stop trying to control the future, or ruminating on the past, I enjoy this moment for the miracle and blessing it is.
I accomplished changing plans without feeling guilty. The thing about plans is we have no idea how we will feel in the future. I respected my body and spirit by admitting that I was not in an energetic place to proceed with what I had scheduled. Instead of forcing myself through it, which I could have done, I cancelled. Some might think that’s “flaky.” I believe it’s honoring my authentic self, following my heart is the only way I can truly live in the present.
I delighted in hearing church bells ring, in picking avocados from the tree in my yard, and in celebrating with friends.