step back
Today, I am grateful for doctors and modern medicine. Little, itchy bumps appeared on my thigh three days ago. I applied my usual natural remedies (lavender and melaleuca oils) and they helped, but ultimately, the bumps didn't get better, they got worse. Knowing I was set to spend my day with little humans and other adults, I decided it best to double check I hadn't contracted anything contagious. Turns out, it was mites! (Pause for gagging.) Luckily, I wasn't contagious (special thanks to Covid precautions), and I got the medicine I needed to kill the little buggers. Thank you Dr. Jason, for the medicated cream, and for recommending what feels like 100 loads of laundry to clean my new home.
I am learning how to step back and allow things to unfold naturally. Follow your intuition, you know what is best for you and you are the only one that knows exactly where you should be and what you should be doing. Listen to your heart.
I accomplished delousing myself, my dog, and my house.
I delighted in helping kids make art, in my morning meditation, and in receiving a voicemail from my dad.