getting what you want is fucking scary

Today, I am grateful for my trust in the universe.  Getting what you want is fucking scary.  It takes patience, persistence, and passive receptivity.  It takes saying no repeatedly when you are asked again and again if you are sure you want to move forward into the unknown. It takes courage and confidence to keep your chin up after an abundance of rejection. But most of all it takes trust, it takes believing that what is meant to be, will be. 

I am learning I am still holding on to an old belief that I am not worthy. 

I accomplished receiving news with grace and gratitude that a potential location for my thriving business would prefer a pre-existing business instead of a startup as their tenant. 

I delighted in a long walk with the Poebear, in striking up a conversation with a stranger, in watering my whimsical garden, in reviewing my website design, and in sending an email to my spiritual advisor and friend. 

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